Play annotation Įłá, įłaghį ts'ąkwi dzįk'e, jíe... jíe ka husá nidhen.
One Sunday, an old woman is thinking, "I want to go for berries."
Play annotation Ekú, horelyų bets'iéyé asi deyele ghą nai, nadher ú,
So, she goes about packing all her stuff into her boat,
Play annotation dene horelyų́ yałtikǫé ts'én nahedíłhi yega nodíł ú.
as all the people who were going to church were passing by her.
Play annotation "Yałtikǫé nanegha hįłtų́," hets'édi ú.
"Go to church, first," they were saying to her (she was being told).
Play annotation "Aaa... degái Mari dé k'óat'é," heni ú.
" hell with the Blessed Mary," she says (if it's Mary you're talking about, let it be).
Play annotation Kwąt'u dene doełniilú.
And so it was she continued to ignore the people.
Play annotation Horelyų ts'iyé asi ghįla ú ku hékį.
When she finished putting things into the boat, she paddled away.
Play annotation Et'axą... et'axą nidhá ninįki ų et'axą niłts'i chok héjai.
As she went along, all of a sudden a big gust started up.
Play annotation Ts'ethįlé niłts'i.
It was really blowing.
Play annotation Ekú hełghedh ʔasą kú.
And so now she became frightened.
Play annotation Ekú... kú naghekeł ts'ethįlé.
And so... now she was really paddling (and it wasn't calm paddling!).
Play annotation "Ene Mari, sets'enenį, ʔįghą ʔįghą, sets'enenį," heni-ú.
"Mother Mary, help me, hurry, hurry, help me," she says.
Play annotation <ch'emok, ch'emok, ch'emok>
<paddle, paddle, paddle>